Cade Steven Rosenlund was born on Saturday, July 12, 2008 at 4:14PM. He weighed in at a healthy 8 lbs 14 ozs and was 20 1/2 inches long. He has a head full of dark brown hair and two adorable dimples.
After being induced I was only in labor for 8 hours (compared to 36 with Bronson), and it only took 3 little pushes for him to come out. I think Heavenly Father knew if I went through the same thing as last time we probably would have stopped at 2.
Bronson is a proud big brother, and a great helper. It has been a fun adventure the past few days watching Bronson's initial shock that yes this baby is "real" and answering all the other interesting questions about childbirth he has come up with. We had a good laugh when Bronson lifted up his shirt and said "he can drink from me."
So far he has been a really good baby and we definitely feel blessed to have this sweet miracle in our lives. He is a great addition to our family, and we already can't get enough of him. After you have one child it is very hard to imagine that you could love another one as much as you love the first, but I have now experienced first hand that there is plenty to go around. I love this little boy so much and can't imagine our family without him!
Oh he's just perfect!!! Hope you're doing okay Tristy! Seriously, he is adorable!
Cade - what a cute name! I love it- I already have a soul mate for him - actually two soul mates if he likes older women- Lily or Ashley will do! He is SO Cute!! Tris, you look great and I am so glad labor was easier this time around- but 2 days late! Ugh! I hope you are doing good - call if you need anything or need to talk- I want to bring you dinner next week sometime- let me know if Tuesday the 22nd works for you!
He is just a cutie and you my dear look HOT! I am so glad to hear of your ease of delivery. I am so happy for you. I totally agree that initally you wonder if you could ever love two, but once the second one comes and the older they get your heart never loved so much!
He is so cute! I am so glad that everything went well, gotta love Dr. Morgan! It was so fun seeing you last week and I am so happy for you and your family! He really is a good looking boy! Great Job!
He is beautiful. And you look AMAZING. Seriously! So great. I can't wait to meet him...and photograph him. Drop me an e-mail when you are ready for me to swing on over. Loves.
Super cute! I'm glad to hear you're doing okay and feeling well. Let me know if there's anything you need. Congratulations!
yeah Tristy!! So happy for you guys and know that you will love being a mother of 2. It has been so much more enjoyable for me because I feel like now I know a little more of what I'm doing and the stress and anxiety is sooo much less... congrats and I love ya!
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