Tuesday, September 30, 2008

September Fun

I can't believe it is already the last day of September, where did this month go? The sad part is that I start back to work next week. Luckily I will only be working 2 days a week, but it will still be hard to leave the boys. I just can't believe how fast the past 12 weeks have gone by. This past month we have been really busy. We started the month by celebrating Bronson's 4th b-day, and soon after he started preschool. One of my friends from my ward had the idea of doing preschool from home, and so far it has be going really well. There are three of us doing it, and we just take turns teaching at our house. The kids have lots of fun together, and the best part is that it's free! Below are pictures of some of the other fun things we have done this month.

Here is Bronson with his cousin Gauge at the State Fair. Bronson had so much fun. He rode on a pony, rode a few rides, and he managed to eat an entire footlong corn dog.

We went up to Mirror Lake to go fishing and Bronson caught his first fish. Did I mention the one day it rained this month is the one day we could go fishing... but don't worry we braved it out and had a blast!

Here is Grandpa, Bronson, and Dave at the Circus. All Bronson cared about was his popcorn and the elephants, but I hadn't been to the Circus since I was a kid so it was fun to see it again.

Dave's parents have a timeshare at Snowbird this time every year, but it is usually too cold to play in the pool. Luckily this year it was nice and warm, and Cade went swimming for the first time.

1 comment:

The Gag-nears said...

Oh my heck -Cade is so cute in that swimming picture! Looks like you had fun in September! That's nice you can just work 2 days a week. It will be a nice break - even though you will miss the boys. Those cute boys! We need to do something on a Sunday sometime.